The Fresno Metropolitan Museum has a Bob the Builder exhibit right now until the end of September. We had heard quite the buzz about it around here, so we finally were able to experience the fun. Aubrey Rose loved every minute of it! We went together with my sweet friend Jo-Linda and her boys, Lennox, Titus and Dempsey. Jo-Linda is such a wonderful friend and an amazing mom. I am so blessed by any chance I can spend with her. I learn something new every time I am with her. She challenges me to be a better mom, wife, and especially friend. Thank you Jo and the boys for bringing us to the Met and for being such a sweet friend to not only me but to Aubrey Rose as well!
Dempsey, myself and Aubrey Rose
Lennox, Aubrey Rose and Titus
The twins and Aubrey Rose loved playing in the workshop
Fun! We're supposed to go next week. Can't wait!