Monday, August 31, 2009

Train party!

Guess what Aubrey Rose is excited about???

We had a train party out at Blake's grandparents house. Little background...many, many years ago Grandpa thought it would be fun to start an amusement park. He bought a few things for the park. The amusement park did not pan out, but he did end up using the train and carousel at his own house. It has been such a blessing for so many children and adults over the years!
Every now and then, we have train parties at Grandpa's house. The parties are donated from the Smittcamp Family for a specific charity and then a family bids on them at a live auction. This party was for an adorable 7 year old girl. She was not the only girl blessed that day. Aubrey Rose got to enjoy the afternoon as well!
Daddy runs the carousel rides. Uncle Bradley is the train conductor. Here is a picture of the train.
Aubrey Rose got to ride on the train with daddy.
Mimi is such a GREAT party planner, but no matter what she is doing she is ALWAYS available to love on her favorite grandbaby.
Auntie Blair takes advantage of any moment she can get too!
Aubrey Rose even got to ride with the conductor Uncle Brad!

Even Grandpa got to come out to see some of the fun! Thanks Grandpa and Grandma for blessing all of us so much!

1 comment:

  1. Next time you have a train party you have to tell us! My boys would be in heaven. It would be totally worth the drive!
