Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Seasons in life...

When I was experiencing the "wedding season" years know those years that felt like you were going to a wedding EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND...well, as I was going through those years, I thought it was so fun!! I think I have 10 bridesmaid dresses and I think my final record of bouquets I caught totaled like 14 or some ridiculous amount! Little did I know there were better days to come! Blake and I are definitely in "baby season" and I am soooooooooo thankful to have the wedding season behind us and into the babies. It is the most precious thing to hold a brand new baby!
This is my wonderful friend Katie on her wedding day in June 2002...

Here is Katie with her new husband Travis on that same day! :) Only God knew then that these two would have two of the cutest kids...Katie S., Katie D. and myself...such fun times! Look at how life has changed!!! HA!! This picture was taken at the zoo this past summer. Here are both Katie's and myself, now married with our own sweet babies!!
Katie D. had an adorable little boy a week ago today! Here is big sister Logan with her new brother Lucas Reid!! Adorable!!
Proud daddy and proud big sister of baby Luke. There is nothing like holding a new baby! Here are Blake and I with baby Luke!

God's miracles truly amaze me. Congratulations DeManby's for your newest addition. I can't wait to make more memories together!! We love you guys!!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photos! So wonderful to have such an amazing friend like Katie. Loved seeing her wedding photo. Another baby to add to the playgroup!
