Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Aubrey Rose!

Happy Birthday to our sweet little sunshine! And Happy St. Patrick's Day to all!! I remember the night so if it were yesterday...of when Blake and I were at home debating on whether to go to the hospital and see if it was time or go to bed and fight the PAINFUL contractions. It was 11pm on March 16. Praise the Lord we went in! Aubrey Rose arrived at 7am that morning on March 17, 2008! She has been our lucky charm ever since. And what a joy she has brought to our family and to so many others! Happy 2nd Birthday sweet girl!

Oh the entertaining expressions this girl shares. LOVE it!

Happy Birthday Aubrey Rose!!


  1. Happy Birthday beautiful girl!
    Love, The Lehmans

  2. Such a sweet girl!!! Yale saw these and asked if we could go take her cupcakes for her birthday. I guess we'll have to do it next time we see you... Happy birthday Miss Aubrey Rose!!!
