Tell me, do you think it is time for a new bed? Blake and I both know it is probably WAY past time for an upgrade for Aubrey Rose. But, why fix what is not broke???
However, today for the first time, Aubrey Rose got out of her crib by herself and made her way out of her room. I think it is time.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
She was WAY too quiet...
This morning the house was WAY too quiet for TOO long. You know that is rarely a good thing with a 2 year old at home! I started to wonder what Aubrey Rose was getting into or what kind of a mess she had made. I walk into her room, since that is where I last saw her and this is what I found....
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Not sure what it is...
This post is more for my documenting purposes than anything else, but this past week and a half have been a fun week for Blake and myself. (Well, besides for Aubrey Rose and I getting sick...that part is not so fun.) But, for almost 2 weeks Aubrey Rose has really turned a corner and has figured out this whole potty training thing. All of you who have gone through this process would know how exciting that step is! We are so thrilled!
We started the process (definitely not planned at the time) about 2 months ago. She received big girl panties for her 2nd birthday (from my wonderful sister and bro-in-law) and from that day on she has been wearing them ever since. She started out excellent! I really couldn't believe how well she was doing without any real tactics or training from our part. We just took her all the time throughout the day. She didn't ever tell us, we just took her. I think the biggest help to that was prior to big girl panties, for MONTHS, we had been taking her to the restroom almost every time we went ourselves. Then, the big girl panties were introduced....BIG 'ole party when she received them. She was SO excited, as we were too. She got a treat every time she went. She had a couple of accidents here and there, but we couldn't believe how quickly she got it. Good to go. Well, for a couple of weeks. Then, she started having accidents. She would have a couple of days being dry and days in a row of accidents. Weird. Then, a sweet friend (thanks Kim!) suggested trying to give her a treat at the END of the day if she stayed dry ALL day. So not a treat each time. Instead a special treat at the end of the day. I started it the next day and she has been dry every day since! Each day it has been different kind of treat. A balloon, stickers, M&M's, etc. She has LOVED it!! I filled a special box with goodies of things she gets to choose from every night. Don't tell Aubrey Rose, but all the toys in the box are ALL toys that she has had, but has not played with for forever. She has not noticed yet! So don't spoil her fun! Hey, it has worked, right?!! :)
So I am not sure what it is. Maybe a bigger challenge? We all like to be challenged in life. A challenge makes each of us a stronger, better person. At first, sometimes those challenges make us feel uneasy or not capable, however when we look back at those trials we are usually better because of them.
For Aubrey Rose, this challenge has helped her (and us!) tremendously! :) She all of sudden tells us EVERY time she has to go. She has not had any accidents. She also (I know probably too much info) but she successfully goes #2 on the potty now! (Before this, she usually would save them for diapers at nap/or mornings when she woke up or of course an accident during the day in her big girl panties.) I am praying we have turned a HUGE corner. She is 2 years and 2 months old. Either way, Blake and I are so thankful and proud of how far she has come.
We started the process (definitely not planned at the time) about 2 months ago. She received big girl panties for her 2nd birthday (from my wonderful sister and bro-in-law) and from that day on she has been wearing them ever since. She started out excellent! I really couldn't believe how well she was doing without any real tactics or training from our part. We just took her all the time throughout the day. She didn't ever tell us, we just took her. I think the biggest help to that was prior to big girl panties, for MONTHS, we had been taking her to the restroom almost every time we went ourselves. Then, the big girl panties were introduced....BIG 'ole party when she received them. She was SO excited, as we were too. She got a treat every time she went. She had a couple of accidents here and there, but we couldn't believe how quickly she got it. Good to go. Well, for a couple of weeks. Then, she started having accidents. She would have a couple of days being dry and days in a row of accidents. Weird. Then, a sweet friend (thanks Kim!) suggested trying to give her a treat at the END of the day if she stayed dry ALL day. So not a treat each time. Instead a special treat at the end of the day. I started it the next day and she has been dry every day since! Each day it has been different kind of treat. A balloon, stickers, M&M's, etc. She has LOVED it!! I filled a special box with goodies of things she gets to choose from every night. Don't tell Aubrey Rose, but all the toys in the box are ALL toys that she has had, but has not played with for forever. She has not noticed yet! So don't spoil her fun! Hey, it has worked, right?!! :)
So I am not sure what it is. Maybe a bigger challenge? We all like to be challenged in life. A challenge makes each of us a stronger, better person. At first, sometimes those challenges make us feel uneasy or not capable, however when we look back at those trials we are usually better because of them.
For Aubrey Rose, this challenge has helped her (and us!) tremendously! :) She all of sudden tells us EVERY time she has to go. She has not had any accidents. She also (I know probably too much info) but she successfully goes #2 on the potty now! (Before this, she usually would save them for diapers at nap/or mornings when she woke up or of course an accident during the day in her big girl panties.) I am praying we have turned a HUGE corner. She is 2 years and 2 months old. Either way, Blake and I are so thankful and proud of how far she has come.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Ooooo, my little sunshine...
Saturday, May 22, 2010
New addition!
A week ago today, our friends Aaron and Kim brought home a new addition. She is the sweetest bundle of joy. Her name is Madison Grace. God is so good.
Kim and I met in high school. We had a Leadership class together and I have so many memories of Kim and I sitting, just her and I, talking about boys, school, family, friends, etc. We always had a lot to talk about. :) We still do! Fast forward like 14 years and here we are married to such wonderful men and raising adorable girls. So fun.
This was Kim and I in 2002.
The four of us in 2003 at Blake and my engagement party. The four of us have gone to the same church for probably 10+ years. Such a blessing to do life together! Kim and I with our girls, Aubrey Rose and Audrey. (Aubrey Rose is about 4 months younger.) I loved being able to hold the newest Love addition...Madison Grace. Absolutely precious. Congrats Aaron, Kim and Big Sister Audrey!!
This was Kim and I in 2002.
Friday, May 21, 2010
LOVE having a girl!
Oh, the dress up parties and adorable girls...absolutely priceless!
Here is Tori, Aubrey Rose, Macey and Logan
Mimi and Auntie Blair helped create these fun memories. You two are sooooo sweet to make such a spontaneous few moments, such a fun memory. Super cute!
Here is Mimi's hidden closet with a bunch of fun dress up clothes...
They were so excited to show off their cute outfits.
Is it just me or does Aubrey Rose look too old in this picture to just be 2?
The outfits just kept coming...
and coming...
and coming!
Sooooo fun! Thanks Mimi and Auntie Blair for being so sweet to our girls!!
We are not sure who loved this more...the girls or us?!! HA! So fun!
They were so excited to show off their cute outfits.
Is it just me or does Aubrey Rose look too old in this picture to just be 2?
The outfits just kept coming...
and coming...
and coming!
Sooooo fun! Thanks Mimi and Auntie Blair for being so sweet to our girls!!
We are not sure who loved this more...the girls or us?!! HA! So fun!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Mimi is so fun!
Yesterday Aubrey Rose got to hang out with Mimi during the day. They built a fort together. How cute is that? It was no surprise that they had the best time together.
The surprising thing was...was that BIG PAPA fit in the fort too!!!
And then Auntie B got to join as well!!
How cute are all four of them hanging out in the fort?!! Soooooo thankful for Blake's wonderful family who love us so much and also can't get enough of our girl. Such a blessing!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Jett's Dedication
It seems like it was just yesterday this little guy was born. Yet, here we are and he is 8 months old. At church, this past Sunday, Josh and Megan dedicated Jett to the Lord. What an honor it is to be able to raise up our little ones together with dear friends. What a blessing to learn together and to raise these children to seek the Lord with all their heart, mind and strength to the best of our ability. We LOVE you Jett!! It was such a special day and we loved being apart of these sweet memories.
How precious is he?!!!?!!
When Megan and I were roomies WAY back when, Josh and Blake were roomies too. Us girls would hang out with the boys. One out of town trip (with a bunch of our friends)...these two started dating, got married and now look at their sweet family. LOVE doing life with you guys!
The festivities continued at their adorable home, spending time with friends and family.
Susan (Josh's mom) with Jett
Claudia (Megan's mom), Jett and Meg
The festivities continued at their adorable home, spending time with friends and family.
Susan (Josh's mom) with Jett
Claudia (Megan's mom), Jett and Meg
The DeManby's
The Donnelly's
The Donnelly's
Logan was LOVING the strawberries...
Rob, Josh and Blake
These girls below...what can I say? There is NOTHING like friends you have been friends with since high school. We are truly blessed! The six of us girls get together almost monthly for girl nights. No kids. Just us. LOVE theses memories! Love you girls!
We honestly don't feel old enough to have kids this tall or this old, but here is Aubrey Rose (on the left) and Logan. Her mom and I have been friends for probably 12 or 13 years!!!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Oma Day!
Mondays around our house are a special day! Special for Aubrey Rose and REALLY special for myself. On Monday's, Aubrey Rose gets to hang out with Oma (my mom) ALL day. What a blessing that day is for all of us.
When Aubrey Rose was a tiny little baby, my mom offered to come on Monday's to take care of her, so I could have some "me" time. I don't think she realized then what a commitment (and a blessing) this would become. What started out as a time that I could actually take a shower or take a MUCH needed nap, has now turned into my "get everything done" day. Not only does she bless me by giving me a day to myself, she also loves on our girl and has the sweetest bond with her like no one else does. It is so precious to watch.
The other thing I love about Mondays is knowing the chances are VERY high that Aubrey Rose is going to get dirty. She gets to plant with Oma. Plays in the water fountains. Finds bugs and snails. She goes on walks with Oma. Plays at the park with Oma. All the things we wish we could do daily with our kids. Such a blessing! For that, I will forever be thankful to our Lord and thankful to my Mom for loving on our girl the way she does. Thank you sooooooo much Mom!
Here are Aubrey Rose's findings from today at Oma's. They found about 20 snails together and put them in her bug catcher. Love it!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
This was Aubrey Rose at lunch today. Her hair is getting unruly. :) I think it is time for a haircut. What do you think??? Look at those wings!!!! We actually have not yet cut her hair. Can you believe that? She is 2 years and 2 months ( 2 days) and we have not cut her hair once. I think it is time.
This picture was taken after being in the pool with daddy. Yes, it is that time. Pool time! She has been in the past 2 days already! Then, we fed her a QUICK lunch because it was already past nap time. :) As she was sitting (on her bottom) at our kitchen island, I thought to myself, I will probably blink and she will be sitting there with her elbows resting on the counter. They grow up too fast. Just trying to soak up the moments when I can barely see her chin over the countertop.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Train party
We had such a fun afternoon this past Saturday at Grandpa Smittcamp's house! SUCH a blessing!
Blake, Aubrey Rose and Grandpa
Grandpa was so sweet to open up his carousel and train for friends. He wanted to throw himself a birthday party and this was the best way he knew of....watching little ones with the BIGGEST smiles on their faces.
Grandpa sat here most of the day running the carousel. We kept asking if he wanted someone to take over the duty. He is 92, you know! He responds with "No way! I am lovin' this!" He could quite possibly be the cutest grandpa ever!
Blake and Aubrey Rose
Logan with Auntie Jessica
The train was a favorite too!
Daddy was the conductor!
Sweet bible study friends
My mom waving and our dear friends, the Love's
Auntie Blair and Aubrey Rose
Rob and Blake got a few minutes to kick their feet up and relax :)
There were even rides on Grandpa's horse! Aubrey Rose does not fear much of anything...horses included! Actually, (side note) she is completely scared of band aides for some reason. Not to play with them, but to have them put on her. I think she thinks they will hurt. Hilarious! She recently stubbed her baby toe BAD on some brick. She did not cry. She did not cry even when she saw the blood. She cried when we went to put the band aid on though! HA!! This is just one time. She screams, wigging out, with big ole tears each time we have tried to put a band aid on her. That girl. Yet, she is fearless with just about everything else...
Katie (with Luke), myself, Katie (holding Logan) and Jessica
My dad, Aubrey Rose and Grandpa watching Tootie the Clown's magic show.
Aubrey Rose was showing Opa (my dad) her balloon the clown made for her. It was in the shape of a dog. So cute!
The clown was sweet to make Aubrey Rose another one since her first one popped in the bounce house. Go figure.
Here was Aubrey Rose's FIRST carousel ride in Summer 2008!
Now she is riding all on her own!! Goodness how time flies!
Grandpa sat here most of the day running the carousel. We kept asking if he wanted someone to take over the duty. He is 92, you know! He responds with "No way! I am lovin' this!" He could quite possibly be the cutest grandpa ever!
Blake and Aubrey Rose
Logan with Auntie Jessica
The train was a favorite too!
Daddy was the conductor!
Sweet bible study friends
My mom waving and our dear friends, the Love's
Auntie Blair and Aubrey Rose
Rob and Blake got a few minutes to kick their feet up and relax :)
There were even rides on Grandpa's horse! Aubrey Rose does not fear much of anything...horses included! Actually, (side note) she is completely scared of band aides for some reason. Not to play with them, but to have them put on her. I think she thinks they will hurt. Hilarious! She recently stubbed her baby toe BAD on some brick. She did not cry. She did not cry even when she saw the blood. She cried when we went to put the band aid on though! HA!! This is just one time. She screams, wigging out, with big ole tears each time we have tried to put a band aid on her. That girl. Yet, she is fearless with just about everything else...
Katie (with Luke), myself, Katie (holding Logan) and Jessica
My dad, Aubrey Rose and Grandpa watching Tootie the Clown's magic show.
Aubrey Rose was showing Opa (my dad) her balloon the clown made for her. It was in the shape of a dog. So cute!
The clown was sweet to make Aubrey Rose another one since her first one popped in the bounce house. Go figure.
Here was Aubrey Rose's FIRST carousel ride in Summer 2008!
Now she is riding all on her own!! Goodness how time flies!
Such a fun day!