Saturday, May 15, 2010


This was Aubrey Rose at lunch today. Her hair is getting unruly. :) I think it is time for a haircut. What do you think??? Look at those wings!!!! We actually have not yet cut her hair. Can you believe that? She is 2 years and 2 months ( 2 days) and we have not cut her hair once. I think it is time.
This picture was taken after being in the pool with daddy. Yes, it is that time. Pool time! She has been in the past 2 days already! Then, we fed her a QUICK lunch because it was already past nap time. :) As she was sitting (on her bottom) at our kitchen island, I thought to myself, I will probably blink and she will be sitting there with her elbows resting on the counter. They grow up too fast. Just trying to soak up the moments when I can barely see her chin over the countertop.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, before you know it she is going to be sitting talking about what dress she is going to wear to PROM!!!
