Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Peach Tree

Blake's family business is Wawona Frozen Foods. Wawona manufactures fresh frozen fruit products for food manufacturers, foodservice distributors, restaurants and resorts, supermarkets, and schools. We often have people ask us where they can find our products. Many supermarkets locally, including Costco, as well as all across North America carry Wawona's frozen products.
However, if you live in California, especially in the Fresno/Clovis area, you get special treatment! Wawona has an adorable fruit stand which is located across the street from Buchanan High School's football stadium. Blake's mom runs this little stand.
It is called The Peach Tree!

See...I told you it was super cute!

Aubrey Rose wants to give you a little tour of where she might work one day.

You can come for delicious, fresh peaches...
which is the most popular sale at The Peach Tree.
However, Aubrey Rose wants to show some of the other products!

Come on in!!
The inside of the store has our frozen products, as well as other specialty items like peach salsa(YUM, YUM!!!), homemade jelly and bbq sauce.
Here is just some of what you will find in the freezers inside!!
Our delicious frozen products...
Let us know if you want Aubrey Rose to meet you to help pick you out the best looking peach!

Best way to eat a peach??? Definitely double fisting! YUM, YUM!!

What do you think???? Do you think Aubrey Rose is ready to work at The Peach Tree or should we maybe wait until she is 3?

1 comment:

  1. Do you ship to Minnesota?! Seriously, I've got a hankering to make Peach Kuchen. And Terry LOVES peach salsa. Mmmm...and those frozen bags of fruit look like they're perfect for making smoothies.
