Sunday, February 20, 2011

No baby yet...

Yesterday was the baby's due date. Aubrey Rose came 2 days early. Baby #2 is now one day late and hopefully counting.
Blake left this morning for San Francisco. He has his biggest convention of the year starting today. The day we heard the due date of this baby, we could not believe that it was the exact same day as when Blake would be leaving for his show. We thought..."No big deal. Aubrey came 2 days early. We will have the baby even earlier, Blake will be gone a couple of days and then back to normal life." Yet, here we baby yet, after the due date and Blake is away for work. God's timing is mind-boggling at times.

And as if that is not mind-boggling enough, there are other things that have come into play with God's timing in this sweet baby's arrival:
  1. Blake's convention (in SF) is until Wednesday.
  2. Blake's parents, sister and brother are in San Francisco as well for the convention.
  3. My parents are in Pismo. Aubrey Rose is with them. They were so sweet to take her with them, so I can lay low.
  4. My sister and brother-in-law are in Tahoe. (Yesterday was Aaron's birthday!)

Our prayer is that this baby can wait until at least Wednesday. Today is Sunday. My job is to lay low, pretty much do nothing, so that labor does not start. But, we all know babies come on their timing, not always ours. So, we will continue to pray, and praise the Lord for cell phones. :)

God has truly blessed me with His peace, knowing His timing will be perfect. We knew a long time ago there were all of these variables that were coming right around the baby's due date, yet God has continually calmed me knowing His plan will be perfect. We just have to trust Him.

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