Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Our July 4th weekend

We celebrated the 4th of July last night with some of our closest friends. Delicious food, lots of swimming, adorable kiddos, huge fireworks, sweet memories, just all around good times. More to come about it later, but I did want to share of couple of my favorites from our weekend. We were able to spend one night in Carmel. We LOVED being there with Jesse, Allie, Jed and Allie's parents. LOVED it!! It was too short of time, but I felt refreshed coming home. Yesterday, I posted some of the pictures we took of the cousins, well, here are just extras from the random moments.
Auntie Al-la with the two boys.
This is how Aubrey Rose likes to play in the sand or mud. She gets her hands and feet dirty as much as possible, but the rest of her is pretty clean. That girl! I try to remind her all the time...we are FARMER'S! HA!

1 comment:

  1. If this were FB, I'd "like" the pic of Allie with Jed and Austin!!
