Monday, August 22, 2011

On the MOVE!!!

Austin is definitely on the move!  At 5 months and 18 days he started crawling and I am not just talking one hand forward or one, he is full on crawling on all fours, all over the place, from room to room.  Aubrey Rose started crawling at 7 months and walking at 10 months.  Now Austin starts at 5 months?!!  Goodness!  This boy is not messing around!  I mean, really...why sit around, right?  True Smittcamp!!  That is for sure!


  1. Overachiever!
    cuz Terry

  2. He's got a big sister to keep up with! Or maybe she's trying to "freeze!" him, and he's trying to get away...

  3. WOW!!! What a big boy! Way to go little man!
