Friday, August 19, 2011

I love you. You're my best frieeeeeend!

I mentioned a couple of posts ago that we saw Barney.  (Yes, the big purple dinosaur.  I love you. You love me.)   Well, when we got home that night Aubrey Rose was pretty much bouncing off the walls and singing Barney's song.  The entertaining part was she doesn't know the song, so she made up her own words.  "You know me.  I LOVE YOU!  You're my BEST FRIEEEEEND!!"  

Actually, the most entertaining part was how she entertained her brother with her song....

(Make sure you watch all the way to the's my favorite part.)  :) 


  1. LOVE IT!!! Good job Aubrey Rose!

  2. They are going to grow up and be best buds! This is exactly how Kiersten was with Garrett at this age!
