Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween to YOU!!

Happy Halloween from our home to yours!!
 From the first second we started talking about dressing up, 
Aubrey Rose knew exactly what she wanted to be.  
No question.  
She never wavered at all.  
Ariel, The Little Mermaid.  
The most entertaining part of this decision is before this we barely ever heard about Ariel.  Obviously she knew who Ariel is, but she definitely had her favorite princess.  The pink one.  She used to just call her pink.  Then, she later learned she was named Sleeping Beauty.  Sleeping Beauty has been her ultimate favorite up until this point.
So when she chose Ariel, I was stunned.
And she stuck with it, without a doubt!
(Thank goodness for sweet friends who let us borrow the costume.)  :)
 Here is Ariel and her favorite buddy Flounder.
 Flounder however, had NO desire to stay still for pictures.  All he wanted to do was swim away!
 We did get to see his eyes one time...
 As Flounder swam away, Ariel could have posed for days,
we asked.
We hope you have a wonderful day!!

1 comment:

  1. Cadence was Ariel, too! When we were in Ontario the week before your Mom was there, we got a sneak peek of her in her costume! If I get a pic from them, I'll be sure to pass it on.
