Thursday, October 6, 2011

Tuesdays and Thursdays...

One of our highlights of our weeks are the walks we take to Aubrey Rose's school two days a week.  We walk through our peach orchards to get there.  She LOVES to check on her peaches.  Pretty soon all those peaches will be off the trees.
After walking through the peach orchards, Austin and I drop Aubrey Rose off at preschool. 
Then, Austin and I continue on our walk.

These are some of my favorite parts of our journey.  Such beautiful and peaceful views and sounds.
Then, Daddy picks her up in his "little car" as she calls it.  This might be her favorite part of her day.   
Since Aubrey's school and Daddy's work are right next door, Daddy brings her into the office to see Big Papa and to make copies of their hands.  She absolutely loves it.  (I get a new set every Tuesday and Thursday.)  :)
She has been a huge fan of going to school.  Every day, in class, they work on their letters and writing out their name.
One day Aubrey Rose came home looking like the cutest kitty cat.
And when she plays, now she has a new form of creative play.  She LOVES to play school.  I often hear "Okay class, please listen to me...".  Sometimes, she even creates her own classroom complete with students.  :) 
To say she enjoys school is an understatement.  It has truly been a wonderful addition to our world.  Around here, Tuesdays and Thursdays have quickly become a favorite.

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