Monday, February 27, 2012


Today is Austin's 1st birthday!!!!

What a wonderful day it was when our baby #2 was born.
We did not know boy or girl, until 6:45pm that Sunday evening, 9 days after my due date.  Austin, you measured in at 8 pounds, 4 ounces and 21 inches long.  I will never forget that day.  So many wonderful memories flood my mind with happiness. The thing that struck me the most, (besides that you were a BOY) was your full head of black hair.
Not only was I completely overwhelmed with joy watching your daddy hold his little boy, I also melted watching our family of four come together.  Your sister was in love from the first second she met you. It was such a precious memory for me. 
I can't believe how little you were!! 

Little man, you are not the best eater.  Sometimes you eat everything in sight and other times you can be quite the picky eater.  You often like something yesterday, but not today or tomorrow or the next day.  The multiple colds you have had, I am sure don't help make you feel good.  Poor little guy.
Even though the food thing can be tricky, you are an awesome sleeper at night.  You sleep from 7pm to 7am.  LOVE it!  As long as we have portable crib you will sleep anywhere.  We are so thankful for this!!
You love walks in the stroller.  You love to be near people.  You light up when you see anyone.  You love to laugh, giggle and to be tickled.  You also love to get into EVERYTHING.   One of my favorite things about you is when there is music on, you are a dancing machine.  HA!  
You love, love, love your sister.  You love to play with her.  You love to follow her. You love to be near her.  You also really love to mess up her toys.  :)
You absolutely LOVE to be outside.  This is an essential for every day.  You are a momma's boy for sure, but when daddy comes home you follow him everywhere he goes.
Happy 1st birthday Austin James!!   You sure are loved by so many!  I can not believe you are ONE!!  YAY!  Happy Birthday sweet boy!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! One already!! What a handsome little man he is :) Happy Birthday!
