Monday, June 4, 2012

Lots of updates!

We have been a little MIA here on this blog.  Definitely not intentional!  I am not quite sure if I have a good excuse, but one thing I have realized is when you take a break, it is easy to think blogging is just one more thing to do in our busy world, so why do it?  :) The thing I do LOVE about blogging, is this documents our world, our life, our memories.  I started our blog 4 years ago when Aubrey Rose was born and I absolutely love being able to look back at sweet memories.  Even more so, I would love for my kids to have a place to go to see the fun things we did as they grew up.  So I press on!
And where best to begin?

We will start with a picture of my two favorite little ones.  These two precious babies have been keeping me on my toes and there is nowhere else I would rather be.

Our sweet 4 year old girl...
Our busy one year old boy...
We have had lots of walks and park fun...
some of our favorites are with our cousin Jedidiah.
 But our absolute favorite is when Daddy can meet us for lunch on his golf cart!
At home, we have been doing a ton of work, especially in the backyard...
One more view...
We are finishing the brick work this week!  Almost done!  YAY!
Another thing that has taken up WAY more time than I would have ever expected was landscaping.  There are TOO many options!  Once you choose a flower, then there are a bunch of varieties to choose from too!  Felt like never ending!
Outside of the home, we got to work a shift at our family fruit stand, The PeachTree.  The kids loved it!  And I loved watching Aubrey work because she wanted to, not because she was asked.  :)
At the end of the day, I asked her what her favorite part was, she said, "That will be one dollar, two dollars, ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS!!!"  Hahaha!!

We got to help Daddy at his work too.
In the midst of the work days, we have had some sweet family time as well.
U is for Underground Gardens.  AMAZING opportunity here in our valley!  We loved it!  We HIGHLY recommend you check it out.  The kids loved it.  Well, maybe not the 1 year olds, but the 4 year olds did!
One last project is one of my favorites.  Blake's mom and I started a little business.  It is called My Sweet Threads.  We specialize in personalized embroidered anything!  Towels, baby clothes, burp towels, bibs, t-shirts, swimsuit cover-ups, anything!  Check out our Facebook page HERE for more ideas.  The possibilities are endless.  If you see something embroidered that you want to replicate, check with us, hopefully we can help!
I loved these cute Valentine shirts Linda made for Aubrey and Austin for Valentines Day.  We have some fun 4th of July options too!  So fun!
Like I said, the possibilities are endless!  :)  

So hopefully I caught you a little up to speed on our world.  Lots of fun in between, but at least you know we are still here.  :)

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