Wednesday, March 27, 2013

9 years!

Today marks 9 years of marriage to my favorite guy.  We dated for 6 YEARS!!  So to say we were ready to get married to each other is an understatement.  Today I am so very thankful for those six years.  I feel like the transition to married life was a pretty easy transition.  We were 24 years old.  We share the same moral beliefs and standards.
We had celebrated a ton of holidays together.  We knew each others families so well.  We understood how each other's families worked and traveled.
We understood what made each of us tick.  We knew what each other enjoyed and also didn't enjoy.  We both had graduated college.  We were done with school.  We were both working full time with pretty much the same hours.
Our dating relationship was done in community.  We did very little with just the two of us.  We were either with friends or family all of the time.  We are so blessed with such wonderful friends.  Each friend who stood by our side that day, we still see on a regular basis.

Our wedding day was a perfect day.
I loved becoming one.
After our ceremony, we had a reception out of a movie.
It was incredible.
 We danced the night away and had the best time.
It was quite the party. (Sorry this one is so blurry.  I took a picture of a picture.)
This picture below is my favorite picture of the day.  Every time I see it, I remember how giddy I was and how much excitement and love we felt on that day.  We were finally married!
The day we got married was the first day we lived together.
Now here we are 9 years married.  Blake makes me want to wake up another day together and figuring this life out one step at a time...together.  I absolutely love being married to this guy.

1 comment:

  1. Tears of JOY, Cherie Joy! You guys bless us with your lives and your desires to serve God faithfully. May you be blessed with many, many more wonderful years of trusting God faithfully! We love you and your family!
