Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Yay! We have two swimmers!

Austin's last two lessons, he finally started smiling immediately after the lesson was over.  
Not during the lesson, but right after he was done.  
Before this, it took him about 15 minutes or so to be back to normal giggly, little boy.  
The second to last lesson his teacher also said something to me like, 
"He started talking to me!! YAY!"  HA!!  
At this point, she had spent a total of 5 and half hours with him.  
Now this is only a half hour at a time over a couple of weeks, 
but still he had been in her arms or learning how to swim with her for a total of 5 and half hours and she was just NOW starting to hear him talk.  
That is so crazy to me.  
However, this little boy was not a fan of swim lessons.
Then, the week after swim lessons ended, 
he got to swim with cousins twice and then with friends on the 4th of July...

and all of a sudden,
it ALL clicked.  

Austin started jumping off the diving board...
over...and over...and over again.
He is absolutely LOVING swimming.

 He even has gained enough confidence to even keep his beloved cars up in the air,
so they don't get wet.  HA!!

YAY!!!  We finally have two little swimmers in the family.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Cherie! Long time no see! Love "catching up" with you and your family through your awesome blog, though always makes me feel like a lamo for not better documenting our own exploits. Anyway, just wanted to tell you I loved your posts about swim lessons. Carter is finishing up his last few at Jan Thomas and we had a similar experience. His swimming is phenomenal - I couldn't be happier - but he cries every time. And as you said, even after the lesson ends, it takes him a while to get back to himself. Oh well! Need to get together soon!
