This past weekend we threw a shower at Blake and my house. It was such a blessing to be able to shower blessings on the Rumley Family.
The lanterns made the look soooo fun! We borrowed them from a friend who had used them for her grad party. Such a blessing to borrow them!
Jessica and I did the centerpieces. The Manzanita branches came from a friend of Blake and mine who used them in her wedding recently. (Thanks Kristi!!) We filled the vases with white rice...and voila! They turned out super cute! Not too shabby for just paying for the rice!
HUGE thanks to our friend, Amy Chambers, for making the ADORABLE monnogrammed cookies for us to give out as favors. They were so cute and PERFECT! Thanks again Amy!
Below is what the food table looked like. Thanks ladies for all pitching in to pull this all together!
And what would a party be without desserts??? Mini fruit pizzas, chocolate chip cookies and Death by Chocolate cake! Yummy!
These fruit pizzas were quite the hit!! My friend Katie made them and they were DELICIOUS! She took the already made sugar cookie dough from the grocery store. You put the dough in muffin tins and bake them. For the frosting, it is cream cheese, powered sugar and vanilla (to taste). And then add the fruit.....YUMMY, YUMMY!!!
We had little Sawyer's monogram on the vases and silverware containers. They were so cute!
These were the girls who helped throw the shower. Katie, Jessica, myself, Jen (the guest of honor), Michelle, Jen and Laurie
Below are sweet, sweet friends. We started a bible study last September with our five families. Actually it is a couples bible study, which is such a blessing to share together. God has truly blessed Blake and I through these friendships. Love them!!
From left...myself, Jessica, Jen, Katie and Brittany
Just about everyone who came to the shower are friends from our church, The Well.
More friends from church...Michelle, Amy, Jen and Brooke
Jen and Laurie
Kaelyn and Michelle
Tamara, Kari, Helena, Shannon and Stacy
Kaelyn and myself...LOVE her!
Fun present time! Baby Sawyer is already one blessed little boy!

We can't wait to meet Sawyer!!
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