You might remember our last
Cousin Day that we learned the Letter A. Well, before we get to C, I thought I better show you B! HA! Here is our day of my cousin and I having a little "preschool" together to teach the Letter
B with our kiddos.

We started with them coloring the letter
B, with a
Blue crayon.

We had
Balloons everywhere!

After they colored the B, they stuck stickers on their paper that all started with the Letter

After that, we asked them...(in a REALLY excited voice)..."Who wants to make
Berry Smoothie???"

Not sure what came upon our little girl.

I am pretty sure she knows they are COUSINS!! HA!

Back to the blueberry smoothie! We started with vanilla yogurt...

added some orange juice...

added Blueberries one by one...

We were loosing too many blueberries, too fast (to the little mouths) with the one by one tactic, so we went for the dump the whole container in at once.

Then, blend it all together!!

And cheers!


After Blueberry smoothies, we took a field trip to find some Beautiful Birds!

They were mesmerized for about 1 minute.

And then they took a couple of detours to go see...

Beautiful fish!

And the
Barking dogs...

It was fun to take a field trip!

You choose your favorite picture of my girl and I. This one...

Or this one! HA!
Come back tomorrow for the rest of our Cousin Day with the Letter B!
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