Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Woods Christmas Party

A couple of weekends before Christmas, we were able to join the Woods' Christmas Party.  Wow!  What a wonderful party!  Thank you Mike and Susan for the invite and for doing all you do to make it such a FUN party!  We loved it!
Here is the Woods family...
Here are all the kiddos that got to join in the Santa fun...
 It all started with Grandma Susan reading a story to the kids, when there was a knock on the door...
 SANTA came!!
 Santa read a story to them and then he...
read through his list and handed out presents to each of the kids.
Here is Aubrey Rose receiving her gift...
 She was so happy and has talked about Santa every day since.
 Santa gave her a princess toy.  After she opened it, she told me, "I dreamed about this Mommy!!"
 Austin LOST it anytime he would come near Santa.  WOW!  Not a fan yet!  HA!
 My favorite part of the party is when they reenact the story of baby Jesus.  So cute!  Blake and Blair were in last years performance HERE.
This year, Aubrey Rose was an angel.  She fluttered her wings perfectly.  :)  It was so cute having the little ones in the performance this year!
 We had a wonderful night with friends and...
 sweet family.
Thanks again Woods' Family!